A Complete Guide About Transferring The Vehicle Ownership:

The buyer is the one who owns the vehicle, and the seller is responsible for transferring the ownership to the new buyer. It is a simple one but needs both two-parties attention to take part in changing vehicle ownership. Buyers can’t judge to buy the vehicle after the car owner check and needs to know who owns a car previously as the seller has two choices to do with the car selling to an individual or the scrapyard. 

In simple, selling the vehicle or purchasing a new one? It is quite a huge process than simply agreeing on with new owners. If you give your car to another one, the vehicle owner must be legally registered by UK law. However, the details are held by the DVLA even after the transfer of ownership. In this blog, get a brief idea about:

  • Know if you are a registered keeper or owner:
  • V5C importance on transferring vehicle ownership:
  • Buying or selling a vehicle? Check the car owner details online:

Registered Keeper Or Car Owner:

When looking for a new, used vehicle, you can find the last previous owner details through the registration document. You get to know about the registered keeper and with online DVLA car owner check. You can get to know the previous owner details only after telling the reasonable cause for searching the owner. Before it, what do vehicle owner and keeper mean?

The registered keeper is basically the main driver responsible for ensuring its taxed, insured, valid MOT and roadworthy. The registered keeper is also the person who termed on the registration document. The registered keeper is liable to contact the police or DVLA if any queries or car-related issues. The problems include parking tickets, speeding or collisions. Teenagers are suspectable to the behaviour like driving the vehicle without checking if they have appropriate insurance and a full driving licence; the registered keeper is also liable to this behaviour. 

Car owner may or may not be a registered keeper. You can keep a copy of the vehicle purchase invoice or when it is given as a gift. In general, you have the records about the vehicle like date of registration, the amount you paid for the vehicle, payment methods, make, model, registration number, and know for who sold the vehicle by or to whom. 

Keep in mind; no other reg check service will tell you the previous owner details on considering its privacy and confidentiality about the third-party details. So, better to seek DVLA help to disclose vehicle owner information. 

How To Change Ownership Of The Car?

For transferring the car ownership, you possibly required a legal document issued by the DVLA when the vehicle was registered. Once the vehicle has a new owner, the V5C of a car will renew by the DVLA after the completion period of the previous owner. The new V5C will be issued to the new car owner. Then, how to proceed with the transfer of car ownership?

Transferring the vehicle ownership to the new owner:

  • You need to fill out the application form as per DVLA.
  • Fill it with the details of the new owner and use the vehicle 11-digit reference number.
  • Once submitted, you receive the confirmation mail from them.
  • New car owners can get the V5C within five working days. 

Transferring The Vehicle Ownership To The Scrapyard:

  1. Find how many owners the car has had before it transfers to a new owner. And the number isn’t counted when the vehicle is sold to a dealer or trader. 
  2. The exact process proceeds further by applying the form to scrap the vehicle.
  3. Send to DVLA by mentioning the vehicle is sold for scrap or moved to the scrapyard.
  4. As a buyer, take a reg check whether the vehicle is entitled to scrap before knowing car history is essential to process.

You can indeed discover the car history by reg number in a simple way. You need to know who offers the details online; there comes a Car Analytics at your handy. Yes, it is a reliable and affordable data check when compared to other services online. 

How Car Owner Check Comes In Handy For Motorists?

Still, few motorists are in search of “how to check the previous owner of a car by reg?” But it is impossible to get the vehicle owner details from the third-party site, or vehicle check service provider as the authority to disclose the information are with the DVLA only. 

But you can find the car owner’s count through a registration check with its full history highlighting any high risks. Know if the vehicle is entitled to written-off, stolen, or financed through the same reg number with the one single payment from Car Analytics. It also tells you the primary details about the vehicle and helps to decide the vehicle is worthy of driving and within the legal limits. 


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