A Complete Guide About Transferring The Vehicle Ownership:

The buyer is the one who owns the vehicle, and the seller is responsible for transferring the ownership to the new buyer. It is a simple one but needs both two-parties attention to take part in changing vehicle ownership. Buyers can’t judge to buy the vehicle after the car owner check and needs to know who owns a car previously as the seller has two choices to do with the car selling to an individual or the scrapyard. In simple, selling the vehicle or purchasing a new one? It is quite a huge process than simply agreeing on with new owners. If you give your car to another one, the vehicle owner must be legally registered by UK law. However, the details are held by the DVLA even after the transfer of ownership. In this blog, get a brief idea about: Know if you are a registered keeper or owner: V5C importance on transferring vehicle ownership: Buying or selling a vehicle? Check the car owner details online: Registered Keeper Or Car Owner: When looking...